Congratulations on enrolling your child at Kindergarten and welcome to the Hutt City Kindergartens family! This section of our website is dedicated to giving you some helpful tips as your child starts kindergarten.

Settling in | Noho ana

For some children the separation from their families or caregivers while at kindergarten can be an emotional time. Here are some ideas on to help your child settle in:

  • Explore the kindergarten together slowly during your first session.
  • Encourage your child to hang up their own bag and ensure that they know where it is should they need it during session.
  • If your kindergarten has a dedicated area for lunchboxes to be stored during session, encourage your child to bring their lunchbox to this area, and find a spot that they can get to easily.
  • Help your child find the toilet area and make sure they are comfortable using the toilets and hand-washing facilities.
  • Spend time with your child explore different activities and join in alongside them.
  • Talk to other children – ask them their names and encourage your child to introduce themselves – or tell them your child’s name.
  • As your child gains confidence, slowly move away to allow their curiosity and independence to grow.
  • Encourage your child to ask for help from the teachers.
  • When it is time to leave, let your child know when you will be back, and tell the teacher you are leaving so that they can support your child with this.
  • Gradually extend the length of time that your child is at kindergarten without you.
  • When you leave, try to not get upset by tears. Explain simply where you are going and when you will be back.
  • Ask for support from a teacher if you need it.
  • Praise your child for their growing independence.
  • Remember – it does take time with some children.

Always feel free to give the kindergarten a ring to check how your child is settling in.