Taita Kindergarten offers a welcoming home-away-from-home environment for tamariki and whānau. 

Our team aspires to develop a lifelong passion for learning in our tamariki, encouraging questions and creatively discovering new ways and ideas to teach through play. Our kaiako create experiences and opportunities to help children develop the social-emotional skills and the attitude they need for a future of learning.

We are proud that our kindergarten has become a meeting place for whānau in our multi-cultural suburb and a place for tamariki to express who they are. This whakatauki, “Poipoia te kakano Kia puawai” - Nuture the seed and it will blossom, speaks of our philosophy.

Taita Kindergarten is part of the KidsCan ECE programme where food is supplied for all children five days a week. Meals consist of sandwiches, yogurt, fruit and three cooked meals per week. Each child also receives a new pair of shoes and a rain jacket. 

Head Teacher - Maria
Teacher - Malama
Teacher - Jemina
Teacher - Lila
Teacher Support - Vanessa
Kindergarten Administrator  - Clare

Address: 4 Shepherd Grove, Taita, Lower Hutt 5011
Phone: 04 920 9834
Mobile: 027 450 0081
Email: httaita@huttkindergartens.org.nz
Max group size: 30 max
Session Times: Monday to Friday: 8.30 am - 2.30 pm