Our Curriculum | To tatou Marautanga
The core programme provides a wide range of experiences to support your child develop a variety of skills, including music and movement, language and literature, science and nature, art, carpentry, construction, active play, sensory activities, sand, water, maths, puzzles, blocks, dramatic play and ICT (computers, digital cameras).
Combining their professional knowledge with what they observe, our teachers develop programmes to meet your child’s specific learning needs - then work alongside them to extend their strengths, abilities and interests. In partnership with you, they will review these programmes on a regular basis. This ensures they offer the very best resources and guidance for your child to develop and learn through play – using topics that interest them and capture their imagination.
All our activities and programmes reflect the cultural diversity of families attending our kindergartens. At times these will be supplemented by visits from positive community role models and performers, as well as excursions to places of interest.
Te Whāriki – the national Early Childhood Education curriculum
Te Whāriki is founded on the following aim for children... to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.
Our education programme is based on Te Whariki, the national curriculum by the Ministry of Education. Te Whāriki provides the basis for a programme that is woven together from the strands of:
- Well-being
- Contribution
- Exploration
- Belonging
- Communication
Recognising the learning partnership that exists between teachers, parents and families, Te Whāriki provides an ideal preparation for school and links to the essential learning areas of the primary school curriculum:
- Language and literature
- Mathematics
- Science
- Technology
- Social sciences
- The arts
- Health and physical education