Parent Workshop

Join our facilitators for an interactive workshop on how to smoothly transition your child from kindergarten to school.

Malama (Taita Kindergarten teacher) will talk about what kindergarten teachers can help with, Tanya (New Entrant teacher) will talk about what to expect on the first days of school and transition visits and Emma (Learning Support Coordinator) will chat about when whānau should start looking at enrolling into school plus parents tips for a successful transition. Whānau will have an opportunity to ask questions during and at the end of the workshop. There will be a quiz at the end with a beautiful hamper from Clive's Chemist for the winner!

This is a FREE workshop for parents and whānau of children enrolled with Hutt City Kindergartens.

DATE: Tuesday 25th June 2024

TIME: 9.30am to 11.00am
VENUE: Kokako Room, Walter Nash Centre, 22 Taine Street, Taita, Lower Hutt 5011

Registrations are essential. If you register and are no longer able to attend, please let us know so that we can offer the space to someone else. If you have any questions about the workshop please email: marketing@huttkindergartens.org.nz

Please note that you need to register each adult attending individually.

This workshop is for parents / caregivers only, children will not be allowed to attend this workshop.

REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/iRkTh35XDE64JteQA